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Automated Machine Learning Training with Autodistill

One of the big challenges with computer vision machine learning projects is performing training. Why is it challenging? Because historically it's been a very manual process thats time consuming and costly, but I've got some good news for you. You might be able to automate your training process with a new tool called Autodistill. Checkout this video to learn more.

Object detection without training using Grounding Dino

Historically the cost of performing computer vision training has been expensive and often prohibitive but with Grounding Dino, you might be able to skip the training step. Watch this video to see how Grounding Dino, a Zero Shot Object Detector, performs object detection without custom training.

Object Detection Training For Beginners

There are many interesting things you can do with computer vision, including detecting custom objects. In this video, we look at how to train a computer vision algorithm YOLOv8 to detect custom items.

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Backups in SQLite

There are many ways to backup an SQLite database, watch this video to see all the options, along with the preferred options.

Building for the Edge

When we consider “the Edge,” it can be easy to forget that the edge is you. It’s your data. It’s your phone, your laptop, your wireless headphones, your smart tv, your browser tab.

Edge-native applications with distributed actors

As computing demands soar, individual CPU speeds can't keep up due to physical constraints, and merely adding more cores lacks the redundancy and scalability needed for extensive tasks.